The Fault In Our Stars by John Green is a fiction romance novel that shares how a teenage girl named Hazel Grace Lancaster falls for a boy named Augustus Waters. Hazel has been diagnosed with lung cancer, and although she is diagnosed as terminal, her love for Agustus grows more and more powerful. Throughout the novel, the author conveys an ongoing theme about how cancer may not stop one from the ability to love despite the hardships that may come.
This novel was very captivating and relatable. As the two main characters are teenagers, they shared many struggles and commonalities with myself that I could relate to. This novel was also very emotional, and taught me to not take life for granted and enjoy the small things that come along, even if they are unexpected. Although I have never known someone with a terminal illness or experienced it myself, the author does a great job at portraying what it would be like to have or know someone facing this because of the use of emotion throughout the book.
This book taught me so much and really opened my eyes to a new perspective on life itself. This novel makes you really want to keep reading it, and can even get you emotional. The way the book depicts the delicateness of life really makes the reader want to enjoy the simple pleasures more, and focus on the good in people.