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The Forgotten Five: The Invisible Spy by Lisa McMann (4/5)

Kailee C.

In the book, The Forgotten Five: The Invisible Spy, (the second book in the Forgotten Five series) by Lisa McMann, five supernatural children, Birdie, Brix, Tenner, Seven, and Cabot, have journeyed to Estero, the city where their parents are from and disappeared to, where supernaturals are illegal. They, teamed up with their new friends, Lada, who can teleport, and the Librarian, who can erase memories, rescue Birdie’s mom from President Fuerte, the one responsible for banning supers. Searching for the rest of their parents, the forgotten five, each with their own unique powers (Birdie can communicate with animals, Brix can jump high and has an increased rate of healing, Tenner has increased vision, hearing, and swimming abilities, Seven is camouflaged, and Cabot has yet to discover her power), uncover a strange plot and fight to stop President Fuerte and his growing team of “bad supers” to make the world a better place for people like them. For the supernaturals that were banished from Estero.

This book is interesting and even though the main characters have superpowers, very relatable. Being the second book in the series, it starts off much more interesting than the first and is much quicker to catch the attention of the reader. It is very entertaining to see the five kids experience city life for the first time in a life of complete isolation. Some of the problems that they face and work through can be easily related to the reader. Their main problem of the mistreatment of supernaturals, connects to how, historically and now, many people in the real world had to fight for their rights. The book raises questions about priorities, as the characters fight a constant struggle between their morals and their family. In addition, many of the character struggle trying to figure who they are in the world and come to terms with it.

Overall this book was amazing and leaves the reader wanting to read the next one. My only recommendation to readers is to read slowly and carefully. Do not gloss over seemly boring or stressful things, as not to miss the changes in perspective.



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