Have you ever read the book, The Giver? This book was written by Lois Lowry in 1993. The book is for young adults looking to read a novel on a dystopian society. The theme of the story was the significance of memory to humanity, and how we would be lost without it. The Giver is about a young boy named Jonas, who lives in a dystopian society, where civilization is boring and emotionless. I would highly recommend this book to those who are interested in reading a short novel about a dystopian society set in the future after the horrors of warfare, and other mistakes of humanity. It took me a long time to get hooked on the book. In the beginning, I wasn’t that interested. But as the story went on, I learned more about the society that the main character, Jonas, was enduring. I started to understand how boring life must be with no color, feelings, or emotion. This made me think of my own life, and how horrible it would be if the world were as bland as Jonas’s. This revelation of how lucky I am to live in such a beautiful world allowed me to enjoy the story while being thankful for what I have. Throughout the novel, I thought I understood what was happening until the Giver started transferring memories to Jonas. This confused me and caught me off guard, making me ponder how it was possible. Up until this point, there was nothing magical about the story that would give me an explanation about how the Giver was transferring memories. Even so, I enjoyed the concept and found that the mystery made the book more intriguing. Something I found interesting about the book and enjoyed was how they were living in a future where humans had destroyed themselves and had little to no memory of life before their society. A few examples of what had been forgotten are snow, warfare, emotion, the feeling of love, and more. They had forgotten what made life worth living. Overall, I believe, The Giver was an excellent book, which I would highly recommend, with many interesting concepts keeping the reader engaged throughout the reading.
The Giver: By Lois Lowry, 4/5
Donovan F.