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The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy (3/5)

Araxia H.

Envision a single event that occurred in your childhood that didn't even last hours impacting you and your families life course forever.

In the novel, “The God of Small Things,” by Arundhati Roy, published in 1997, the author builds a deeply detailed story of two fraternal twins living in India whose lives are about to be changed by their complex families deaths. Roy goes on sharing the setting the twins lived in with the many intertwined daily stories that all come together to the one tragedy; moreover, Roy shares how the classist system in India not only played a big part in the twins and all of India's societies day to day lives. With all of this, Roy goes on to paint a beautiful yet melancholy story.

Furthermore, even in the beginning of the novel, Roy implies rich language hinting at the plot of the book. Firstly, the first few chapters, there is a build up of events created in the story of the twins and their families life told in past tense, these stories are all intertwined leading up to the life changing climax. Part of the altering event that Roy hints in the beginning is the death of the twins cousin Sophie Mol caused by drowning, although this is a very important event, it is not the turning point in the story, Roy creates the impression that the death was the major event, but instead she shocks the reader by implying another event. Moreover, after the event occurs, Roy moves on and explains into more recent times, of how the death affected the twins in their family, building a base on why they ended up how they did. In the end, Roy justifies why people are how they ended up because of events, hinting at the possibility of how one event can change a person or peoples life.

Throughout this novel the author creates vivid scenery leaving a memorable adventure to the reader. Roy shares many of the twins' opinions making them the main point of view of the reader, since most of the book explains the twins' past, their opinions are inexperienced. Roy also focuses her work on India creating a very unrelatable story making it hard for the reader to connect with the twins because of their detached experiences. Going on, Roy shares her many opinions such as since the twins feel fulfilled with each other, they should be able to do other (sexual) things together, I am in complete opposition to this take as I am sure many other people are, this opinion creates an issue because it builds an extremely uncomfortable mood that disturbs and mortifies th reader. Even though her extremely controversial opinion shocked me, there are some opinions of hers that I agree with such as her take that everyday decisions and events can shape a person and follow them into adulthood. Arundhati Roy also leaves out other educated views of her country's government situation highlighting all of the negative impacts leaving the reader drowning in heartbreaking paragraphs of negative outlooks. Roy’s focal point on negative outlooks are extremely lousy and immature, unlike Seneca a famous philosopher who is known for his stoic perspective, he advocates that a person must endure hardship and have a positive perspective on the situation in order to be fulfilled and refined.


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