In The Hunger Games, we start by following Katniss Everdeen, our sixteen-year-old protagonist, on the day of the reaping as she goes hunting with her best friend Gale. In this apocalyptic society, the reaping is the drawing that determines which kids, of the ages of twelve-eighteen, will compete in the Hunger Games. The Hunger Games is an annual fight to the death between twenty-four kids among the country's twelve districts. Katniss lives in District 12, the mining and most poverty-struck district, with her mom and twelve-year-old sister, Prim. To everyone’s shock and dismay, Prim is the chosen female tribute of District 12. Knowing that she has a slim to none chance of surviving, Katniss volunteers as tribute to take her sister’s place in the games. The chosen male tribute is the baker’s son, Peeta Mellark, who is also Katniss’s age. Odds seem to be all against Katniss, as she doesn’t have the extra commodities other districts get, but only has her quick wits and skills with a bow and arrow to rely on. After entering the games, the story becomes a whirlwind of action, survival, and perseverance. On top of that, Katniss faces the dilemma of whether love or survival is more important when it really comes down it. For me, it was no surprise that I ended up loving The Hunger Games given the traction it has with young adults. The Hunger Games easily jumped to one of my favorite books and met all of my high expectations because of the characters you just can’t help but root for, a love story that can melt any heart, and how persistent the characters are to survive. This book had me on the edge of my seat from cover to cover with how fast-moving and surprising the plot is. I liked how Suzanne Collins threw in plot twists enough to keep the audience in suspense about what happens next without overdoing it to the point a plot twist becomes predictable. Overall, The Hunger Games is a must-read book for any young adult as it not only supplies characters readers are bound to love but a compelling storyline about how love and hope prevails all trials and tribulations. If you are looking for an addictive, iconic dystopian novel for your next read, The Hunger Games might just be your fit!
Makena C.