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The Maze Runner by James Dashner (5/5)

Kaylin C.

Updated: Oct 27, 2021

This book is about a group of teenagers, ranging from 12 to 18 years old, who have been stuck in a seemingly unsolvable maze for two years. They all have their memories wiped and have no clue how they got in the maze. The only thing they seem to remember are their names.

This book was really interesting and very entertaining. It really leaves you with so many questions that you just have to keep reading it so you can get answers. The author does a really good job hooking the reader in, making you want to learn more about the maze and all the characters. I feel like the book really brings up the issues of what will happen if the world goes into complete and utter chaos, but putting smart teenagers who have no memories in a maze to see who will survive doesn’t seem like a solution we would use in today’s world. The book leaves out what state the world is in, but mentions a catastrophe happened. The author doesn’t mention why the teenagers were put in the maze and why they were brainwashed. Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson's author, and James Dashner both are really good at writing in a way that leaves you with many questions that you just feel the need to keep reading to get answers. Reading made me feel really excited to find out what was happening and in the end I felt really emotionally attached to all the characters. I feel like I can relate to this book because now and in the future there will be points where I feel stuck with no way of getting out, but no matter what I can’t give up hope and have to keep pushing.

Overall I believe the book is very entertaining and exciting. I recommend this book for future readers especially if you are into sci-fi books. Read this book with an open mind set and just know that some events might come as a surprise.


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