The Maze Runner is a great read for anyone interested in sci-fi or young adult books. Written by James Dashner, the story follows our main character Thomas as he is lifted from the earth by a strange mechanical contraption. Eventually, daylight starts to stream in and a rope is thrown down to Thomas, signifying the start of his adventures in the maze. Thomas has no memory of his past self yet knows how to speak and acts like a regular person. As soon as he arrives in the mysterious new place, he tries to fit in. It turns out that every month a new teenage boy is sent into the maze, along with rations and materials for the maze. The main area where the characters live is called the glade, a grassy knoll with a forest, surrounded by walls over fifty meters high. The characters work together to manage the glade and explore the maze around them. Along their journey, they meet many new faces, try to uncover the secrets of the maze, and most importantly escape.
Reading through The Maze Runner is a blast due to the engaging writing and interesting characters Dashner writes. The characters are not shallow and the stakes feel meaningful when it comes to deciphering the maze. Thomas is an interesting vessel for a character and is very relatable for someone who has been put into such an odd position. One can sympathize with how lost Thomas feels when trying to tackle the maze and his missing memories.
This book is hard to put down once you become invested in its characters and story. I had a blast reading it and hope you do as well. Readers not interested in the young adult genre may not find this book captivating, but it is worth a read. All in all, I highly recommend The Maze Runner.