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The Scorch Trials by James Dashner (5/5)

Leila C.

In, The Scorch Trials, Dashner highlights the struggle in the apocalyptic world Thomas and the boys are forced into. After feeling the sense of overwhelming relief, grief strikes the ones who were sacrificed along their past journey. They are thrown into a world completely on the contrary of what they are used to, a calm place to wind down after the stressful events leading up to it. Out of nowhere, disaster strikes again and a cloud of confusion sets over their minds. The caring people that brought them into a safe space were ripped from their grasp once again and they learn that everything thus far was a test. The world was ending, and they were the cure. All of their friends who had died, all emotional scars, were all part of a plan. With that weight of information, they are thrown into the scorched world with one goal, to survive. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book. I have never been much of a sit-down and read type, except for these books. They kept me on the edge of my seat and I could hear my heart pounding as I flipped through the pages. All in all, this book was very well written and the imagery was incredible. Everything was described in such detail that I was able to picture every image in mind. I made a little movie in my head for everything which made the book a lot more fun to read. The character’s personalities really shined through in this book as they were faced with more challenges. I highly recommend this series.



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