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The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett (5/5)

Tatyana B.

As I am continuing to read The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, which is about a young girl named Mary Lennox moving to a new home, making new friends, and finding a secret garden for herself, I am beginning to enjoy the book more and more with each chapter. As every new character is being introduced, developed, and interacts with the other characters, the story becomes more alive. And as the spring has been arriving in the garden, the curious description of its transformation is becoming even more vivid and beautiful. I can almost smell the flowers and feel the sun beaming down on my skin while reading these chapters.

Another aspect I am really enjoying about reading The Secret Garden is because seeing how the protagonist, Mary Lennox is dealing with new relationships and situations in her own unique, childish way, still keeping her old experiences and beliefs with her but now applying them in a better way, as well as watching her explore further in a new place, while meeting new people, learning new skills, and even picking up new ways of speaking is truly inspiring. Watching how her character has been developing from the start of the book has been very entertaining and so far, and the beautiful imagery and writing adds even further to the enjoyment of this novel. Another aspect of this book that I also enjoy is that although reading the book doesn’t take very long, it feels like I have been in the story with these characters for weeks, and interacting with them and the garden alongside them myself.

In my opinion, I still think that this book is no doubt a 5/5 at this point in the story. And I would definitely still recommend it for others to read, even more especially if you enjoy the outdoors, plants, and animals, but if you appreciate incredible story telling, great characters, and captivating imagery, as well, it's still definitely a very good book for anyone to check out.


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