The Secret History is written from the point of view of Richard Papen. Richard replaces his boring family with a more interesting narrative of an old-money family, attempting to fit in with elites at his rich private college. He joins a closed-off group of students who all have a passion for ancient Greece. This passion connects them all and leads them to do things in the name of the Greek Gods. Even though the book was published in the 90s, it takes place in the 80s. The book allowed me to view society differently and our past. How we've evolved and how we could keep evolving. It intrigued my love for Greece and kept me hooked throughout it. Since it was written in the past, it allows your imagination to create a scene of the time and environment. The Secret History contributed to my vocabulary, it's an advanced read that keeps you hooked throughout. The book can get boring at times and confusing but it's all worth it till the end. I recommend the book, best to read it during the winter as that is when most of the book takes place.
The Secret History by Donna Tartt (4/5)
Sophia G.