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The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid (4/5)

Siena S.

Who is the person that decided that you should only be allowed to be married to one person your entire life? The book The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo goes through the life of a Hollywood star, Evelyn Hugo, who is loosely based off of Marlyn Monroe. Every other chapter switches between Hugos past life and her current life where she lives a retired and very rich woman. Evelyn Hugo hires a journalist to interview her about her life because she is interested in having an autobiography written about her. Throughout the book the readers and the journalist aren’t sure why Hugo chose to hire this specific journalist. Throughout the novel the readers learn how Hugo was affected by her seven husbands while going through multiple plot twists. This book left a very big impression on me because it was filled with so many twists and mysteries and you finished the book truly believing that Evelyn Hugo was a real person.


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