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The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid (5/5)

Alya A.

When I choose to read a book, it can be determined by three simple reasons. One, I wanted to read. Two, my dad got me a book. And three, which is the most common one, I was very bored. And for The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid I fell into the third reason. And it sure did cure that sense of boredom. The book’s genres can be described as a young adult, romance, and fiction novel. From reading this book my understanding of its theme is about Reality. Yes of course there are clearer topics in this book but the underline of all of them comes down to Reality. The way Taylor Jenkins Reid has ways with words makes you feel the realism in every chapter is surprising. The Theme of the book is, “Every time you try to forget reality it will be right there to tap you on the shoulder.” 

The book goes as follows. A famous aged Hollywood star by the name of Evelyn Hugo takes her adventure on her last interview with a humble journalist whom we call Monique Grant. As the interview goes about Ms. Hugo, the reader learns about the plethora of husbands she once had and the struggles has undergone to have her name, Evelyn Hugo, become a household name. The loss of many people in her life, losing her one true love that she could never truly show the world and them how much she loved that person, and the loss of her own. Despite the several times Evelyn tries to escape from reality and see the only good parts she has built for herself, everything comes back to her as damage not only to her but to those she loves. The good things she has done in her life also come with negative consequences, some of them are already in motion and it’s too late for Evelyn to try and stop it. It’s like an onion, so many layers as you read that once it’s peeled back to see this blooming onion you think “Wow that's gorgeous!” but also “Wow, why did I even peel back the layers of this anyway? Now my hands smell like onions.” 

I’m not a book person at all, I’d much rather be a couch potato and watch The Walking Dead than read if I’m completely honest with you. But there was something about this book that kept it in the back of my mind 24/7 until I shut myself down and finished reading it. There is a part in the book where you read a love letter and I still remember this line to this day, “...and I finally understand what the Beatles were singing about all these years” (Reid, 362) When I say that this book has amazing writing I mean it! One of the book's main issues is about how Evelyn struggles with her love life, and as a person who sobbed her eyes when she first saw La La Land, I can reassure you that the same thing happened to me when I read this book. There are some parts in the books that I think are unnecessary but later on, they show the growth of Evelyn’s character in the very end. When I read this book I can describe it as sentimental, smart, glamorous, shocking, and sudden. A great book.

The one thing you can take away from this book review is that I adore this novel. I think it was very well written compared to the other books that I have read. Even though it took me more time than it should have to finish it, I don't regret picking up this book. I’d recommend this book to those who want a compelling story that makes you feel like you are watching something rather than reading. And let me just tell you that I can’t wait for the film adaptations of this book!


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