There is a man named Jack Torrance and his wife’s name is Wendy. They have a son named Danny who is around the age of five. Jack is a pretty bad alcoholic. So bad that he got fired from his previous job as a former English teacher. Because of his alcohol problem, Wendy was upset about his situation and wanted to divorce, however, Jack kept telling her they would talk about it in two weeks because he promised he would stop drinking; they never really did end up talking about it however. Rewind a bit, another one of the teachers at the school Jack was working at is also an alcoholic and they both go out a lot. One night, the two of them are driving back and they turn a corner when suddenly, a bike appears out of nowhere in the middle of the road and they accidentally hit it. They search for hours on end but find no sign of a body. After this night was when both of the men decided this is when they would quit drinking. That same night, Danny tells his mom how he had a bad dream where Jack was hurting him. Coincidence? I think not.
Danny has an imaginary friend named Tony. Danny is a special kid, not so normal. Danny claims that Tony tells him about the future and helps Danny prepare for anything that could happen, with problems because of his dad’s bad a
lcoholism. Danny has also had visions where he has heard and seen the word REDRUM several times.
The book is very well written by Stephen King, who is an amazing author. He uses different writing styles for example talking in first person one chapter, through the eyes of a character, then the next chapter he will talk through third person which makes reading the book a more unique way to read. He does a really great job on displaying the characters emotions and opinions using strong vocabulary and point of view. The book itself also has a lot of cliffhangers which really get you into the book and would make a person want to not stop reading it.
I think The Shining is a thrilling and intense book. Jack, the father, has a drinking addiction that creates conflict with his wife Wendy and son Danny. Wendy wants to talk about divorce with Jack but he always pushes away the conversation. Danny has special abilities where he can talk to someone who isn’t there and can have visions. Stephen King's way of writing makes the book engaging and interesting for readers. I would recommend this book for people who are fascinated in horror and thrillers.