The book The Sun and The Star follows Nico di Angelo and Will Solace's journey to recuse Bob and strengthen their relationship. On their way, they meet friends and foes of old and new, and they might not make it out alive. Nico has been a long-time favorite character of mine and the details relationship between Nico and Will has always interested me, so I was super excited for this book. I absolutely loved the book it was somehow both heartwarming and heartbreaking. I loved learning more about Nico and Will's relationship. The book also dives deeper into Nico’s time in Tartarus and a bit before the Lotus Hotel. I have always loved Rick Rordan’s writing, but the addition of Mark Osiro made the book even better. Like in Greek Mythology, there is little to no mention of the underworld so I love that the authors created such a fantastic image of what the underworld is like but still rooted it in as much Mythology as possible. Like I said earlier the book is both heartwarming and heartbreaking so I advise you to have tissues on hand. Before you read this book you clearly need to read the books previously, especially the books that involve Nico (The Titan’s Curse on). I also recommend reading it at the same time as a friend to talk about the book.
The Sun and the Star by Rick Riordan & Mark Osiro (5/5)
Amelia M.
Updated: Aug 25, 2023