The War Between the Classes follows a young girl named Amy who falls into the middle class life while her Boyfriend Adam falls into the upper class life which is hard when your companion doesn't understand the lifestyle you live with and especially if her boyfriends parents dont approve of her because she's not from a wealthy family. At school she and her classmates play this game where they all choose colored bands which all represent a class system. Amy picks Blue which is the highest class while Adam picks orange which puts a shock on both when their lifestyle in real life has switched around. But the point of this exercise was to understand that we are all the same people who should not be judging others based on their wealth or power because in the end we were all friends at one point. This book really sent a powerful message to me because I am often judging others based on class as the rest of society is so it really gave me the reminder that in the end we are all people who desire the same things and who cares if you have wealth or not because we all want to see our community thrive. I related to both Adam and Amy in a way because like Adam I oversee others sometimes and like Amy I can be ashamed of myself at times too. This book is a great book if you are looking for a message to remind yourself of a good positive environment vs a toxic one. I suggest readers read this book if they often have doubts or insecurities sometimes because we all do and nobody is fully secure with themself just like the young adults in this book The War Between the Classes.
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