Kelly Andrew, the author of The WHispering Dark provides an insight of a young woman by the name of Dealney Meyers-Petrov who is viewed as delicate since she is Deaf. Once Dealney is accepted into a prestigious University, Godbole University, Delaney studies how to “slither into parallel worlds” in order to understand those around her. To highlight, one of the key points in the story is that Dealnet can “listen” to shadows speak to her, and another major part in this Gothic academia story is her TA plus academic rival, Colton Price. Colton Price plays the important part of a college senior that is tangled into a love story of darkness following new parallel worlds. When I first read the back of the book I found it intriguing that the main character had a disability symbolism. Personally I have never read a book with a Deaf main character let alone in a fantasy novel, therefore it was fascinating to read. Also, I would like to point out that the Author herself is also Deaf indicating that Dealney’s experiences of feeling fragile come from Kelley Andrews way of thinking. Kelley Andrew poses books with a sensation of lush and sensuous making the description for readers feeling as if they have stumbled into a fairy-tale world. The college setting of the book gives the tone of an academic institution devoted to new outside perspective atmospheres. Although, I want to address an issue with the plot that has been roaming in my mind while reading, and that being is there a program for Deaf students like Dealney known to the outside world? Or is it hidden? We have no clue. In some scenes of the book it felt as if they were cut movie scenes in order to squeeze romantic parts between the two academic rivals. For example, there was a glimpse of a Priory secret organization on campus that was supernatural following the plot, but there was no backstory about the priory and the readers never get an insightful description of what exactly it is. Also, Dealney’s roommates do not have much character development and even show the suffrage of interest, Dealneys roommates just out of nowhere appear in the next page but only when Dealney needs wisdom about the romantic relations with Colton Price. Honestly, it was irritating because there were multiple incidents where her roommates only appeared for guidance. Another example would be how there was a dramatic buildup to a wondrous mystery but fizzled out nearing the end relating to Delaney and Coltons relationship. Not to discriminate against Delaney and Colton, to be fair they make a fantastic pairing, especially their love dynamic in the last couple hundred pages of the book. During the last hundred of pages there was quite a few angst and drama found between the two love birds which made it very enjoyable because it illustrates that not all relationships are fantastic in novels. There were many fantastic worldbuilding elements that were provided by Kelly Andrew although I wish there was more keenness towards them since I wanted to know more about the existence of the parallel universes. Although, The Whispering Dark is known to be a core romance novel so I understand from a narrative perception and the reason why the worldbuilding elements were not included within the novel. Ultimately, the book is perfect for a cold mysterious rainy night with the purpose of showing more representation of main characters with a disability. This novel is perfect for anyone who has a preference for YA romance.