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Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (5/5)

Hayden M.

Napoleon Hill’s outdated yet robust steps to success can prove to be useful even in 2021.

Think and Grow Rich is a non-fiction book focused on developing one's mind for success. Napoleon Hill outlines the seven steps to preparing oneself for success: faith, auto-suggestion, specialized knowledge, imagination, organized planning, and decisions. Each chapter represents a step in his seven-step process. Each chapter gives a detailed explanation of how his method of thinking leads to success. To support his statement, he uses real-world examples and stories while also explaining how each person implemented the steps Napoleon Hill was explaining.

Hill provides excellent details and examples of how people used his way of thinking to find success. However, the main problem with his book is the time at which it was written. Think and Grow Rich was written back in 1937 which was a vastly different time, thus lacking many things such as social media. Because of this time gap, it becomes harder and harder to use his way of thinking to create success. The age gap combined with different available resources can make the reader feel lost or unsure. He also uses very straightforward language which may mislead the reader into thinking it’s easier than expected. Although this book may lack direction and some relevance, readers can still use the information to benefit them. Hill explains each step in great detail to make his point as clear as possible. In combination with this, Hill uses many examples to show his steps and method of thinking in action. Lastly, he also gives notes and directions in each chapter so the reader knows exactly what is required to achieve this mindset. From my experience and takeaways from this book, I thought that it was a great read because it shows how to achieve goals mentally, which in my opinion is one of the hardest parts of completing a goal. Anyone with the motivation and desire to become rich should 100% read this book. I also think even people who don’t plan on becoming rich should read this as the methodology can still be applicable outside of business and applicable to achieving success in many areas of life.


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