Tower of Dawn follows Choral Westfield on his journey of recovery from a previous injury and all of his companions. Choal is placed in a magical city known for its incredible healers. There he meets his main love interest, a healer called Yrene. While Choal is living in this city, we also get to see what his friends are doing. They have taken up the job of fighting a war with an evil army and are planning a major attack. This is the main plot of Tower of Dawn, and I have to say that I really enjoyed it. However, it is the 6th book in a long series, and you will probably want to read the other books first. Overall, the book was really entertaining and filled with exciting and heart-felt moments that kept me interested the whole time. I also really like the authors writing style. My biggest suggestion though is to read the other books before starting this one so everything makes sense and you invested in the characters.
Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas (4/5)
Lenae S.