Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer, is a fictional young-adult fantasy novel of a budding romance between two teenagers. Stephenie Meyer’s first novel includes deep themes of the choice between good and evil and the battle between love and morals. In Twilight, a girl named Bella Swan has chosen to leave her sunny hometown of Phoenix and move into the rainy small town of Forks, Washington with her dad, Charlie Swan. She soon realizes that this town has many mysteries that seem to revolve around one family: the Cullens. Unfortunately for Bella, she has already fallen in love with the only single Cullen, Edward. This provides Bella with a battle between her love for Edward, and taking the safe route.
Twilight is a memorable romance because of the beautifully written underlying mystery in an average town. I disagree with Stephanie Meyer, about how she displays Quileute legends. There has been quite a controversy about racism in her books because she adjusted their legends and didn’t consult with or give any credit to their tribes. I also disagree with how she represents how Bella must be saved by Edward in dangerous situations. Stephanie Meyer had a lot of input on the movies, and it is strange that she would make vampires white and werewolves always have their shirts off. She may be using stereotypes to display racism, similar to how J.K. Rowling used mud-bloods and purebloods to display racism in the wizarding world. This book affected me by giving me a place to escape to. I watched The Vampire Diaries after I read this for the first time. Therefore, I would definitely say that it made me more interested in the subject. I can relate to this book because it is about teenagers in high school, and the main character also just moved from Phoenix, Arizona to a new state like I did.
Twilight is a transformative and one-of-a-kind novel. Although I disagree with some of the opinions of Stephanie Meyer, I appreciate her writing and admire the well-developed plot and characters, from clumsy Bella Swan to classy Edward Cullen. I recommend this story to all young-adults interested in the fantasy world. Be prepared to be invested in this fantasy romance and cherish each character!