You’ve always seen suicide awareness ads on social media and how to help those who need help, but sometimes the thoughts sneak up on the people who weren’t even suicidal in the first place. The book Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson covers a wide range of genres consisting of initial romance and realistic fiction but eventually takes a dark turn through topics that young adults rarely address. In this case, the topics are sexual assault and suicide. The book Twisted starts by addressing a boy named Tyler Miller, who is extremely perverted and isn’t very good at anything in particular. Tyler Miller isn’t very good at anything at all. This is portrayed through the constant bullying he receives at school and the pressure his dad puts on him for him to be successful. The reason Tyler is in this situation at all is because of his great act of spray painting the school in his junior year. Tyler craves attention and dreams for girls to crave him as well. One girl in particular he craves is Bethany Millbury. Following a series of events that lead to Bethany’s liking of Tyler, they start romantically interacting with each other and eventually go to a very illegal high school party. At this party, Bethany is rejected by Tyler due to her sexual motives and is eventually taken advantage of sexually. This leads to Tyler being accused of sexually abusing Bethany due to his delinquent past. Accusation is the last thing
that pushes Tyler towards committing suicide, which has been dormant in his mind for many years. In Twisted, Tyler Miller must make a series of life-saving decisions that affect the people around him and himself, literally. In my opinion, books without heroic main characters are the best books due to their realistic approach to story-telling. I liked the plot of this book due to the thoughts of the suicide of the main character not only the reader but Tyler himself. Laurie Halse Anderson does a great job of making the thoughts of the characters in the story become your own. In summary, I feel that this book is great for people who like to create their endings and people who don’t like reading in general. Trust me, reading this book will change your perspective on reading itself.