Quill is the overachieving main character of the novel titled Where the World Ends by Geraldine McCaughrean. Quill and his crew scour an island formation called The Stacs. These islands are littered with all different kinds of fowl, such as Fulmars, Gannets, and Gugas. Birds are often sold at the Stac Marketplace and that’s how the crew sourced most of their funding. Birds were precious because of their oil glands and delicious-tasting meat. In the beginning, Murdo was Quill’s close friend. They would venture into new land and carefully take on the flocks of birds like ninjas on a stealth mission. In order for them to catch the birds, they made various different ranged weapons and traps to help with the workload. There was the word of King Gannet, a large and fierce bird that terrorizes the land and causes trouble for the townsfolk. A solo mission was given to the crew, making them only have a single spot to claim the “King Gannet Killer” title. After bickering, Murdo begrudgingly hands over the task to Quill, making Quill jump with excitement. Quill slays the beast and comes back to the ship carrying the bird over his shoulder, filled with triumph. I enjoyed all the connections to birds in the novel, e.x. The main character’s name is Quill, the sky was often described as “feathered” and many more. I would give this book 4/5 stars because of the continuous rush of adrenaline that the book guides you to experience.
Where the World Ends by Geraldine McCaughrean (4/5)
Zach R