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Wool By Hugh Howey (4/5)

Kyan C.

Mystery, betrail, and adventure is how Hugh Howey gets many people around the world sucked into Wool which is the first of the three books set in silo 18.

The civilization in silo 18 is structured with 1 sheriff, 1 deputy, 1 judge, and 1 mayor organizing/patrolling 148 levels. this civilization takes place in a time when the human population had to go into underground places called silos on the top of each silo there is a tunnel in/out of the silo and a camera looking onto the dying outside world. If somebody asks to go outside they are forced to go outside. The citizens of the silo call this “cleaning” because most people who go outside clean the camera.

It starts with the sheriff's wife going out to clean because she found something that made her too curious which led to her asking to clean. Then 2 years later the sheriff cleans because he saw what his wife saw which was an alive world outside so he tried to follow. They both ended up dying. Later this girl named Juliet is appointed sheriff. After that, The mayor and deputy die causing two people appointed from Judicial, which is a secret organization that is in place to stop anyone from getting curious with information like what the sheriff and his wife used. Juliette wants to figure out why Holston, the sheriff, left to clean so she searches for and eventually finds what Holston found. Yet by the end of it judicial sends Juliet out to clean by lying about her saying she wanted to go out to clean.

This book was a good book however the start of the book was a little bit boring and a little hard to get through.

In summary, this book was a great book to read and I suggest leaving yourself time to enjoy the book and get through the start.


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