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Wool by Hugh Howey (4/5)

Aidin B.

The book Wool is set inside of a giant underground Silo-like structure, with a main staircase in the middle of it. The citizens live inside this structure because the outside is a wasteland, which they can see on a giant screen in the upper cafeteria. Different levels of the Silo are dedicated to different things. Some levels are for farming, some levels are for housing, and so on. In this society there is a rule that if someone speaks of going outside, they get put to cleaning, which means they are made to go outside and clean the sensors that show the video feed on the big screen. When people are done cleaning, they try to walk up a hill in front of the sensors, but always die before they can get over. When they get sent out to clean, they have to put on suits so they can survive long enough to clean the sensors. Juliette, who is the main character, lives in the Down Deep, which is close to the bottom of the Silo. She works for Mechanical, which means she helps to make sure the main generator is running smoothly in order to provide power for the entire Silo. After the old Sheriff is sent out to clean, the Mayor and the deputy go to the Down Deep to offer Juliette the job of being Sheriff, because they think she would be a good candidate. Juliette eventually accepts, and becomes the Silo's new sheriff. Eventually, she finds out secrets about the Silo that were not meant to be discovered, including that the suits that the people wear to go cleaning are designed to fail. After Juliette discovers this, she gets sent to cleaning. Before she goes out to clean though, Walker, who is a tinkerer that lives in the Down Deep, also figures out that the heat tape used to seal the cleaning suits are made to fail, and gets someone from Supply to switch the tape out with good tape. This causes Juliette to survive longer than expected outside, and she is able to make it over the hill, out of sight from the sensors. After she gets over the hill, she discovers that there are more silos, and she is able to make it inside an  abandoned one. Walker tells the rest of Mechanical that the cleaning suits are engineered to fail, so they team up with people from Supply and go to war with IT. Eventually, IT wins the war because they have better weapons, and the remaining people from Mechanical and Supply are sentenced to cleaning. Peter, the new Sheriff, decides that it is wrong for all those people to be sent to clean, so he sends Bernard, who is the head of IT, to clean instead. After this, Juliette comes back to the Silo in a suit that utilizes better heat tape. This book was a very good read, and it had a believable storyline, and was filled with great plot twists all the way until the end. I’m going to read the next books in the series, and I will definitely make sure to recommend this to my friends.


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