13 Little Blue Envelopes is a young-adult book. The book is an adventurous story about a girl named Ginny Blackstone traveling the world. Ginny receives 13 mysterious envelopes from her recently deceased aunt, Peg. The first envelope guides Ginny to take on her first adventure with only her backpack, the envelopes, her passport, and $1000 cash. She learns things she never knew about her aunt. This book is an adventurous story because I was wondering where Ginny would go next and why her aunt was sending her there. The author hooked me in the beginning but as the book progressed and as I got more towards the end, I disagree with how Maureen Jonhson ended the book. I agree with her plot to keep the reader engaged. She used interesting characters and great descriptions of them, and the places Ginny traveled to. Overall this book was great, it was a fun adventure learning about Ginny’s travels and what she learned about herself and her aunt. I recommend this book to readers that love adventures!
13 Little Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson (4/5)
Catalina F.