Author: Veronica Roth
Title: Four
Rating: 4/5
Category: Sci-Fi, Young Adult
Main Theme: One choice or decision can change a person’s life forever.
Background Information about the book: This book called Four is the last book of a series called Divergent. While the first three books talk about a young girl’s search for identity, this book talks about her boyfriend’s quest in finding his own identity in life. Although his hardships were not like his girlfriends, he was still a torn person trying to find the light in his life. Veronica Roth is trying to display a message in this story by conveying that life isn’t always perfect and there will be ups and downs.
When living in one of the five factions called Abnegation, the main character Tobias Eaton is living alone with his father. As Tobias grows older, his father started to act differently in which has impacted Tobias in a way that was heartbreaking. As his faction choosing ceremony came along, Tobias makes a huge leap and decides to stay away from his father by going to a different faction called Dauntless. There, he finds many people and activities that have been life-changing to not just himself but to the other characters as well.
I believe that this book is very inspirational because it gives the reader like me a sense of how life is not easy and that sometimes it is good to take risks. Also, I believe this book is very entertaining is because when reading this book, you just have an eagerness to find what happens next. By emphasizing this point, I think that the author also provides an eye-catching plot in which will draw the readers into reading her books. At first, when I started off the book, the book didn’t really make sense, but when read along with the chapters, it started to turn into something that is relatable to my life. The reason for this is that the author really incorporates many life lessons that can be applied to a person’s daily life. For example, Roth incorporates many life-changing struggles into her characters and explains how each character has overcome these struggles. When figuring out these many valuable life-changing lessons, I believe that my life has changed into something more powerful and strong. The characters of the story can also connect to the people of the real world especially the characters Tobias, Tris (Beatrice), and Eric. Inside this book, the chapters are a little long, but the author really keeps readers engaged in the storyline.
Overall, I feel like this book is excellent for readers across the world, especially for teenagers and young adults. I gave this book a 4 because I would put more detail into the side characters and how they impact the main characters, but otherwise, it was a very excellent read. If you are a reader that likes journeys and life-impacting stories, then I would highly recommend this story. As I said above, this story has really impacted my life and I hope when reading this book, your life will be impacted too.