It by Stephen King follows a group of kids (Bill, Stan, Richie, Eddie, Mike, Ben, and Beverly) in two different timelines, one as fifth-graders and one 27 years later. Bill’s brother Georgie is mysteriously killed, and Bill is determined to find out exactly what happened to him. They find that all of the missing children in their towns are victims of Pennywise the Dancing Clown, who is the demon they refer to as “It”, who haunts all of the children in their town in some way or another. The book itself is beautifully written with a lot of transportive imagery, which makes the scenes with Pennywise all the more frightening. The characters have a lot of charm and depth and you definitely root for them the entire time. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a challenge. In total, the book is 1,153 pages long, so it is definitely a commitment but if you’re up for it, it is worth it.
It by Stephen King (5/5)
Devyn G