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Misery by Stephen King (4/5)

Henry D.

The fictional psychological horror, Misery, written by Stephen King shows the entrapment of the mind created by someone’s own loneliness. In this story, Paul is shown to be a successful author on the surface, however through the story we find his mental problems with him struggling to perform the way the public wants. He also deals with a serious addiction to the point where it is impossible to tell what is really happening and what are just his delusions. Although not an important book, it does deal well with describing the issues related to mental load and how we deal with it. In this case Paul deals with it the wrong way, keeping it pent up inside of him fearing what the public would say. This is further reflected by the drug addiction which at first helps but starts to compound his issues later on. As someone who has had stress related issues in the past, I can agree with the horrible experience displayed in this novel. Overall, I wouldn’t call it a vital read, however to people who struggle to deal with stress, this can be a great guide of what to avoid doing.


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