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The Chemist by Stephen Meyer (5/5)

Colton G

Updated: May 15, 2023

Alex, formerly known as Chris Taylor, formerly known as Taylor Golding, and formerly known as Juliana Fortis is a former scientist for a mysterious agency that tried to “dispatch” her two years ago. Two years ago the agency that she worked for had attempted to murder her and another one of her colleagues named Dr.Joseph Barnaby through the method of poisonous gas. Through pure luck, the main character, Dr.Juliana Fortis survives the attempted murder and is now on the run from her former employers. Every time she gets suspicious that someone from the agency is onto her she moves, changes names, and goes on with her life. That is how it’s been for two years. Every night she has a routine of setting up her current abode with traps and alarms that will warn her of a potential attacker or anyone that wants to cause harm to her. One day, out of the blue, someone from her prior company gets a hold of her through her email, a request to meet somewhere conspicuous. But instead of leaving town and getting a new life somewhere else as she is used to doing, she decides against her better judgment to meet with this person at the requested location. The person, Carston, one of her prior co-workers illustrates to her about a potential bioweapon that could kill millions around the world with the catch being that she is the only person for the job and the agency wants her to work with them again. Most books in this genre start off slow because it has to introduce the reader to side characters, past events, and backstory but The Chemist doesn’t suffer from this as it throws you right into the story. The reader uncovers the characters, backstory, and past events as the book weaves its way through the complexity of Alex’s past and future goals which I love the idea of since it doesn’t slow the book down. The Chemist’s pacing starts fast and never slows down as the reader takes a ride through the emotional rollercoaster that is The Chemist. This has to be one of my favorite books that I have read mainly because of the pacing, likable characters, unpredictability, and tone. Once you start to read this book, it’s pretty hard to put the book down which makes reading it a fast process. I hope you like the book as much as I did.


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