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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams(4.5/5)

Lenae S.

The book The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is about a man named Arthur Dent and his strange old and new friends going on a journey through the galaxy to find a planet with supposed treasure. However, that is just the backdrop for all the crazy stuff in this story. It’s also about hitchhikers and strange ideas and all knowing computers and mice. And it all takes place on one wild trip through the vast exotic and creative places of the galaxy.

The book was strange. It held my attention very well, and was filled with irony and little jokes riddled throughout the book. However, they just didn’t quite land with me. I’m not sure why, because I could see where it was supposed to be funny, but I just didn’t laugh. I think it was because I was pressed for time though.

Overall, I think this book was really quite interesting, and I liked the way this was written and the way it was narrated. I also really liked the characters and creative ideas. I think the main thing I would say is take your time when you read this book and let yourself think about it. It doesn’t take all that long to read but there's just… a lot of stuff in it.



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