The Hunger Games Is a Dystopian book about a girl named Katniss. Katniss’s society has separated into districts; each district has their own jobs. Katniss belongs to district 12, the poorest district, the coal mining district. Unfortunately their society takes part in a game that forces two kids from each district to enroll in a battle of the death. The game is known as The Hunger Games. Prim, Katniss’s sister and the baker’s son, Peeta get enrolled as tributes for the game. Katniss couldn’t let this happen so she volunteered herself instead of prim. Now Peeta and Katniss head to the Capital as Tributes for the game. They eventually meet their trainer Haymich and Haymich has a plan to get them sponsors. Haymitch wants them to fake love. Eventually both Katniss and Peeta are placed into the arena where they have a battle royal against 22 other kids. I am going to end the summary off there, so I don't spoil any more of the book. The book was really entertaining because it had detailed writing that flowed really well. I don't like how they were only supposed to have one winner instead of two. The Capital forced the kids to go into a deadly game in order to show that the Capital has power over them. There is no need to make people suffer to show you are superior; be the bigger person.
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (3/5)
Nathaniel E.