Have you ever been in a situation where you feel powerless and have no control? In, This is Where it Ends by Marieke Nijkamp, you read about the perspectives of different characters feeling various emotions about the same situation. This book isn’t part of a series and you can even read this book now! This is Where it Ends is about a school shooting told from different perspectives. All the kids are related to the shooter in different ways and have a different relationship with them. This novel was definitely a page-turner and kept you at the edge of your seat. It was filled with suspense and the eagerness to find out what will happen. You may wonder how the book could keep going, but there are many plot twists. It was a great book and it gave us an understanding of what is happening in the world around us and brings awareness.
This Is Where It Ends by Marieke Nijkamp (4.5/5)
Aashka Desai